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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Suicide bombing in Jamrud mosque

A suicide bomber killed at least 50 people when he blew himself up in a crowded mosque near a security check post in Jamrud town of Khyber Agency on Friday.

The attack came hours before U.S. President Barack Obama was scheduled to announce a new strategy for the Afghan war, an approach U.S. officials said would also recognise Pakistan as a key part of the conflict.

Police, paramilitary forces and government officials were among the congregation in the mosque, about 30 km (20 miles) from the Afghan border. The bomber set off his explosives as a cleric began prayers.

"So far we have counted 50 bodies," Tariq Hayat Khan, the top administrator in the Khyber region, told Geo news, adding the toll could rise.

Between 250 and 300 people were in the mosque and about 125 wounded had been taken to Sherpao, Lady Reading and other hospitals in Peshawar, he said.

There was no claim of responsibility but militants had earlier threatened to blow up the police post next to the mosque, residents of the area said.

It is surprising, those who claim that they are doing Jihad and then carry out suicide attacks inside mosques during Friday prayers. Dear readers – do you think these so-called militants are doing any good to Pakistan or Islam?

Frustration and anger lurk everywhere in the country. The latest act of suicide bombing is just one manifestation of it. There is also a threat that the situation in the area could grow still more complex. The issues of extremism and terrorism must be tackled head-on. Otherwise we will see only more acts of violence and more unrest in the territory, where there has been far too much violence already for decades adding to the sense of instability we face as a federation.

Your comments are welcome!

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