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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dr A. Q. Khan set free after five years of house detention

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has declared renowned nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan “a free citizen” while disposing of his quo warranto writ petition. As per the decision in this case, the interior ministry has offered terms and conditions for providing security to Dr. A. Q. Khan with due state protection that has been accepted by the counsel for the petitioner, Barrister Ali Zafar. The hearing of the case was conducted in chamber, and the court thereafter issued a detailed judgment. A section of the judgment was provided to the press while the other section was declared secret.

Speaking on the grounds of his villa, the nuclear scientist said, “This has happened because of the keen interest taken by the president and the prime minister, and especially Interior Adviser Rehman Malik, who looked into the case and reviewed it.”

After the IHC judgment, a smiling Dr. Qadeer emerged from his house in the federal capital and addressed reporters face-to-face for the first time since 2004. Dr. Qadeer hailed the order as a “good judgment”. “It’s a matter of joy. The judgment, by the grace of Allah, is good,” he told reporters. “It is because of this judgment that I am speaking to you,” said the 72-year-old scientist, who has been treated for prostate cancer.

How do you view the verdict of IHC considering prevailing political situation in the country and world sensitivity over nuclear non-proliferation issue?

Your comments are welcome!

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