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Saturday, April 11, 2009

More drone attacks

The first drone attacks under the Obama administration have taken place. Fourteen people were killed in the Waziristan area in the latest bombings. Just days earlier there had been another unusual operation carried out jointly by Pakistan and US forces deep within Pakistani territory, apparently targeting a hideout for militant leaders. For the present then it seems there is no change in policy. The rather optimistic assurance issued a short while ago by the prime minister, that drone attacks would come to an end once Obama took charge of leadership, seems to have come to naught.

We all know how much damage, emotional, psychological and physical, the drone attacks have inflicted. Many civilians have died, among them women and children. There has also been a wave of anger over the US incursions, which adds to the hatred already in existence.

The Obama administration has pledged to initiate better relations with the Muslim world. It is also in the midst of undertaking a policy review with regard to Pakistan; therefore, we had better come up with a robust strategy to counter the drone attacks.

What strategy Pakistan should chalk out in coordination with the new US administration to stop these drone attacks? How the US decision-makers should be persuaded of the drone attacks which have so far caused much damage and contributed to the growth of militancy?

Your comments are welcome on this festering issue!
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